Lovely post by my dear Siz Ivy. Have a read. The word is Get out of your comfort zone. #BreakOut

Adorned Woman Kenya



We all have that weakness, shortcoming or insecurity that we struggle with everyday. That feeling that awakens when everyone is gone and it’s just us and the four walls. It could be an ugly addiction, a weight issue, low self esteem, whatever it might be. We all have them or at least most of us do. Those personal struggles that seem inferior in the eyes of others but to us they are gigantic mountains that keep holding us back.

Those were the thoughts running through my mind as I sat on my bed with my diary. I was getting ready to write prayer requests for the coming New Year as is the custom in my family. Every New Year’s Eve we each write a list of what we’d like God to do for us in the coming year and commit them to Him before the clock strikes midnight. It’s…

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